Sunday, 20 December 2009

72 § Discoverer...

Medieval times,
two nationalities,
a great navigator
and the government who supports him,
a new continent,
who is the discoverer?...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

71 § Winner...

Best football team competition,
two nationalities,
one goal scored
by a player with the nationality
of the team that loses,
who is the winner?...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

70 § Stupid generation...

A stupid generation of young people
were taken abroad to learn new ideas...
they forgot the founding fathers of their country
who, they believed, were wrong...
They were the ones who knew the truth,
they were the ones to found the real country...
Strangers had the solution to their problems...
They came back, took up arms and killed,
their country destroyed...
Their fathers had not been wrong...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 14 November 2009

69 § Moon water...

How long will it take man
to poison and spoil it?

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Monday, 9 November 2009

68 § Wall...

No matter how high,
no matter how thick,
unfair walls are pulled down
sooner or later....

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Saturday, 7 November 2009

67 § Fake...

Few people build prototypes
and they remain unknown...
many copy and fake them
and they are rich and famous...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Saturday, 31 October 2009

66 § Biting...

When a dog bites,
whose fault is it?

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 18 October 2009

65 § Subways...

In some subway stations
people and cattle
can not be told apart...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Friday, 16 October 2009

64 § Teaching...

One of the key aims of teaching
is suggesting
the most effective and successful
strategies to solve problems...
most students rebel against them...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Monday, 28 September 2009

63 § Front...

You will never be successful
at the front line
without having ever struggled
at the back ...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 19 September 2009

62 § Medicine...

Many risk their lives
by not distinguishing
fake medicine from
healing medicine...
can they differenciate
totalitarian policies from
civilizing ones...?

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

61 § Paradise...

We enjoy little Paradises
very often;
we can lose them instantly
by tasting the wrong apple...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

60 § Puzzle...

The scientists who attended
the 1927 Solvay Conference
had collaborated each
with a brick that assembled with the others
gave birth to the most amazing puzzle
man has ever discovered
in Nature....

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Saturday, 29 August 2009

59 § Bilingualism...

There is a developed country where
English and Spanish
are the accepted languages;
there is a developed country where
English and French
are the accepted languages;
There is an underdeveloped country where
only Spanish is accepted and
Italian was rejected...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 23 August 2009

58 § Drugs...

Drug dealers
leave huge fortunes to heirs
in their will...
as they make you
lose control of
your will...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

57 § Reality...

Very few people
see reality as it is...
most people
see reality as they believe
it should be...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 16 August 2009

56 § Republican...

Some societies
can be
democratic and republican...
most societies
can only be

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 15 August 2009

55 § Genitals...

Most people take decisions
from the point of view of
their genitals
not from the point of view of
their brains...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Thursday, 13 August 2009

54 § Suspicious...

A powerful country watches
another country at war,
negotiates military presence
and miraculously...
terrorists accept
peace talks...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 18 July 2009

53 § Threat...

Does anybody ever stop to think
if there is a country on Earth
who is threatening
world peace??

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 5 July 2009

52 § Bangladesh...

Acid has been thrown
onto their faces
because they have dared
to feel free...
Now they work at a hairdresser´s
to help other women seduce
civilized men...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 28 June 2009

51 § Wimbledon...

The only audience
that does not cheer
when the non-favourite player

Kate Fermi
Universal World times

Thursday, 18 June 2009

50 § Thousand...

The night has a thousand eyes
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun;

The mind has a thousand eyes
And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies
When love is done.

Francis William Bourdillon

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 7 June 2009

49 § D-Day...

Thousands disembarked and died
to free Europe and the world
from the nazis...
65 years later, millions prefer
authoritarian governments

to a free Republic...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 30 May 2009

48 § Candidate...

Why do some civil servants
nominate themselves
as candidates
if they are not?...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 23 May 2009

47 § Locke...

Only one country
gave birth to a philosopher
whose ideas led to the freedom
of many other countries;
how does History honour him?
by forgetting him,
by replacing him,
by envying him,
by making new generations believe
he did not exist...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Monday, 18 May 2009

46 § Ideas...

A new world system is established,
new bright ideas and inventions...
those who lose power,
drop nasty comments into people´s ears...
inventors learn the lesson and
drop theirs into the world´s computers
standing out once more...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

45 § Flags...

Stars and stripes flags
have been burnt
who has ever seen
a burning red flag?...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 2 May 2009

44 § Lex...

"Dura lex, sed lex"
Roman Republic

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Monday, 27 April 2009

43 § Epidemia...

An invisible cell
travels into your body
and you are dead...
how powerful
are you then?...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 25 April 2009

42 § Invasion...

25 th April

End of the nazi invasion
in Italy

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Thursday, 23 April 2009

41 § Earth...

22nd April

"Earth Day"

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 19 April 2009

40 § Parents...

What have or have not
parents done
to a child
who becomes a murderer
at the early age of

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

39 § Unfair...

an innocent person
is as unfair as
not blaming
the guilty one...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Friday, 17 April 2009

38 § Murder...

A new murder
a young murderer
a new victim
no minister cares;

a lawyer is hit
his ribs broken
ministers care...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 5 April 2009

37 § Clean...

Would you mind
cleaning what others
have got dirty,
for not reward
at all?

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 29 March 2009

36 § Ancestors...

Millions of men and women
left their dear country,
their traditions,
their lands,
their trees and flowers,
their animals,
their belongings,
their boats and seas,
their relatives and friends, dead or alive,
their music,
their language...
sailed away
while their nations
bled and got deserted...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

35 § Elasticity...

As a consequence of
violent and aggressive policies,
after stretching patiently,
a society reaches its elastic limit
if citizens are not protected,
society itself
becomes deformed

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 22 March 2009

34 § Distribution...

For some politicians
"distributing money",
as they call it,
implies doing favours
that must be paid in due time
with a vote...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 21 March 2009

33 § Taxes...

What´s the purpose of
paying taxes??
Are governments supposed
to help the people of their countries
with the money paid??
so, why do some presidents and ministers
behave as if that money was their own?...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

32 § Number...

Wouldn´t environmental problems
be reduced if fewer people
were born on Earth??
wouldn´t it reduce the consumption
of unrenewable resources??
wouldn´t the number of conflicts

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

31 § Revolutioners...

A few promise a new world
to millions who follow them
only to find themselves
down into a bottomless abyss
with no return...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Thursday, 12 March 2009

30 § Galileo...

"E pur si muove"...

2009 International Year of Astronomy

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Monday, 9 March 2009

29 § Freedom...

When criminals
are free
in the streets,
the rest of the citizens
are at home

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Saturday, 7 March 2009

28 § Centripetal...

A few countries
hold the string that produces
the centripetal force to make others go round;
sometimes one of these cuts off the string
and prefers to move away into
the unknown...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Friday, 6 March 2009

27 § Screaming...

Do politicians really believe
that by screaming at audiences
they will get more votes?...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

26 § Many...

Many of the most pleasant
things and beings
are also
the most addictive and poisonous...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Sunday, 1 March 2009

25 § Speeches...

Are those people who do not read their speeches
more intelligent than the ones who do?

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Saturday, 28 February 2009

24 § Collisions...

Meeting certain people
can bring you to a stop
meeting others
can change the direction of your life
into a better one...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Thursday, 26 February 2009

23 § Safety...

What is it
that makes us feel safe
standing at the border
of an underground

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

22 § Ancient...

There are many places
on Earth
where man can only survive
by applying ancient techniques...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

21 § Fashion...

May be their brains
are burnt down with sun heat
but most people
will not wear hats
if these are out of fashion...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Sunday, 22 February 2009

20 § Stars...

When a scientist
or an artist
is a true star,
his light goes on travelling
through time and space
although his life has been put out...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

19 § Height ...

As soon as certain people
get to their maximum height,
they start setting others
into a free fall
to be able to stand out...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Saturday, 21 February 2009

18 § Injustice...

Most people forget
about the thousands
who fought, suffered and died
in the past
for their welfare....

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Thursday, 19 February 2009

17 § Animals...

Animals are the only real sign
that good and innocence exists;
man tortures and kills them
although they are defenseless;
man is the sign that evil exists...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

16 § Dogs...

Dogs are the sweetest, most thankful
and affectionate beings;
man leaves them
in the most painful loneliness...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

15 § One...

If in a country the votes in only one province
decide the destiny of all the citizens,
can we call it a "democracy"?

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

14 § Qualifications...

In certain countries
becoming a president
does not mean
you know how to govern...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

13 § War...

Certain countries are at war
not against another country
but against criminals
and these
are winning...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

12 § Upwards...

To be able to go upwards
you must slow down ...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

11 § Decorations...

There are kings
that give decorations to presidents
who are hated by their people...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Monday, 16 February 2009

10 § Poverty...

There are presidents
who shout against poverty
they are the cause for poverty...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Sunday, 15 February 2009

09 § Languages...

Belonging to a culture
implies knowing and speaking a language;
can we really say we have watched a film
or read a book when they have been translated?

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

08 § Plants...

Plants provide beauty, shelter, food and medicine;
nevertheless, man destroys and wastes them...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

07 § Seven ...

Seven colours are necessary to compose white light,
Seven notes are necessary to compose music....

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

06 § Voting...

Most people vote in a democracy
to change a government.
Some people vote in a democracy
to have the same government

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

05 § Wheels...

To keep a wheel moving forward,
there must be a point that keeps still...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Saturday, 14 February 2009

04§ White...

In the Artic,
Ice is white and very cold,
Bears are white to keep warm.....

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

03§ Responsibility...

Who is responsible for the child of a couple of teenagers?
Their parents ?? society ?? television ?? schools ?? the media ??

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

02§ Reproduction...

Must human beings reproduce as animals according to hormones and instinct?Should human beings plan their families according to resources and capacity to help their offspring to grow up?

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

01§ Nationality...

If there is no information about Shakespeare´s life,could it be possible that he has an unknown nationality?that he changed his name??

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi