Sunday, 29 March 2009

36 § Ancestors...

Millions of men and women
left their dear country,
their traditions,
their lands,
their trees and flowers,
their animals,
their belongings,
their boats and seas,
their relatives and friends, dead or alive,
their music,
their language...
sailed away
while their nations
bled and got deserted...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

35 § Elasticity...

As a consequence of
violent and aggressive policies,
after stretching patiently,
a society reaches its elastic limit
if citizens are not protected,
society itself
becomes deformed

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Sunday, 22 March 2009

34 § Distribution...

For some politicians
"distributing money",
as they call it,
implies doing favours
that must be paid in due time
with a vote...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 21 March 2009

33 § Taxes...

What´s the purpose of
paying taxes??
Are governments supposed
to help the people of their countries
with the money paid??
so, why do some presidents and ministers
behave as if that money was their own?...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

32 § Number...

Wouldn´t environmental problems
be reduced if fewer people
were born on Earth??
wouldn´t it reduce the consumption
of unrenewable resources??
wouldn´t the number of conflicts

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

31 § Revolutioners...

A few promise a new world
to millions who follow them
only to find themselves
down into a bottomless abyss
with no return...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Thursday, 12 March 2009

30 § Galileo...

"E pur si muove"...

2009 International Year of Astronomy

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Monday, 9 March 2009

29 § Freedom...

When criminals
are free
in the streets,
the rest of the citizens
are at home

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Saturday, 7 March 2009

28 § Centripetal...

A few countries
hold the string that produces
the centripetal force to make others go round;
sometimes one of these cuts off the string
and prefers to move away into
the unknown...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Friday, 6 March 2009

27 § Screaming...

Do politicians really believe
that by screaming at audiences
they will get more votes?...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

26 § Many...

Many of the most pleasant
things and beings
are also
the most addictive and poisonous...

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi

Sunday, 1 March 2009

25 § Speeches...

Are those people who do not read their speeches
more intelligent than the ones who do?

Universal World Times
Kate Fermi