Wednesday, 12 September 2012

128 & The dog and the bird...

127 & True friend...

"Captain" visits his master`s tomb every day at 6 p.m....... Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina

Sunday, 9 September 2012

126 & The universe...

Swirls of green and red appear in an aurora over Yukon due to the interaction of a coronal mass ejection due to the intereactio of a coronal mass ejection that left the sun on August 31 and arrived on September 3- REUTERS-NASA

A long filament of solar material in the sun`s atmosphere, the corona, erupts into space. The coronal Mass Ejection (CME) travelled at over 900 miles per second and connected with Earth´s magnetic environment, or magnetosphere, causing auroras to appear on the night of September 3- NASA-GFSC-SDO