Saturday, 30 May 2009

48 § Candidate...

Why do some civil servants
nominate themselves
as candidates
if they are not?...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 23 May 2009

47 § Locke...

Only one country
gave birth to a philosopher
whose ideas led to the freedom
of many other countries;
how does History honour him?
by forgetting him,
by replacing him,
by envying him,
by making new generations believe
he did not exist...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Monday, 18 May 2009

46 § Ideas...

A new world system is established,
new bright ideas and inventions...
those who lose power,
drop nasty comments into people´s ears...
inventors learn the lesson and
drop theirs into the world´s computers
standing out once more...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

45 § Flags...

Stars and stripes flags
have been burnt
who has ever seen
a burning red flag?...

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times

Saturday, 2 May 2009

44 § Lex...

"Dura lex, sed lex"
Roman Republic

Kate Fermi
Universal World Times